Our School
Our school day is from 8.45am to 3.15pm (a total of 32.5 hours a week).
Within school the children are organised into three main teaching groups:
- Reception Class (Foundation Stage) - Ages 4 to 5 years
- Key Stage One (Year 1 and 2) - Ages 5 to 7 years
- Key Stage Two (Year 3 and 4) - Ages 7 to 9 years
Children are encouraged to bring a snack for mid-morning playtime. As part of the Healthy Schools initiative we encourage only healthy snacks.
At lunchtime hot lunches are available five days a week for all pupils. (Currently every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in State funded schools is offered a free hot school lunch)
During afternoon playtime pupils in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable (e.g. banana, apple, carrot, pear, satsuma) as part of the National School Fruit scheme.
Children are encouraged to bring a clear plastic water bottle, containing water only, to sip at regular intervals throughout the day. This is in addition to any other drink supplied for lunchtime. Please note water bottles should be replaced on a regular basis to avoid bacterial contamination.
Wrap-a-round Care
We offer a Before and After School club on site for all children who attend Crowle First School. This is open from 8am to 5.30pm. Further information can be found on the "Parents Information" tab of this website.
Our school is in the first tier of the Pershore "pyramid" with seven other similar village schools.
Pupils from the school transfer to St. Nicholas C.E. Middle School ( The Pinvin Federation of Schools) at Pinvin at 9+, where they stay until the age of 12+, when they transfer to Pershore High School.