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Governors meet regularly and play an active role in the life of the school. The governors have overall legal responsibility for the management of the school. They operate as a corporate body and work strictly in accordance with legislative requirements.

The Governing Body seeks to be as informed as possible and welcomes communication from you, the parents.

The Governing Body is composed of Governors appointed by the Local Education Authority to represent County and District Councils, co-opted members from commerce, industry and the community parent representatives and elected staff members.

The Governing Body meet each half-term and also spend part of a school day visiting each classroom enabling them to make informed decisions at Governors’ meetings.

How to contact the Governing Body:-

We are very willing and happy to be approached or contacted by parents to discuss relevant issues, particularly in relation to the strategic direction of the school. Please contact us through the school office or the Clerk to Governors (see below).

If you have a specific concern about the school or your child, we encourage you to discuss this with the relevant class teacher initially. If the matter is not resolved then you should contact the Headteacher to discuss. If after this discussion your concerns remain, then it would be appropriate to contact the Chair of the Governors to discuss the matter further through the school office.

The governors of Crowle CE First School share the vision of the school, to be "Caring,  Confident and Committed" in their role.

The Governing Body comprises of:

Mrs K Jones  - Chair of Governors and Co-opted Governor (Safeguarding, Bullying, E Safety, Finance, PE)
Mrs R Lewis - Vice Chair of Governors and PCC Foundation Governor (RE, Collective Worship)
Mrs K Kempson - Co-Opted Governor (Safeguarding, Finance, Pupil Premium, Maths)

Mrs N Davies - Parent Governor

Mr J Train - Parent Governor

Mr S Jenkins - Parent Governor
Mrs M Abbott - Ex-officio Headteacher
Mrs S Dixon - Staff Governor

Joanne Cooper - Clerk to Governors (contact via )

Vacancy - Ex-Officio Foundation Governor


If you would like to become a governor at a DOWMAT Academy, then please see the attached advertisement.  This role is a vital component of every school, and your time/effort would be greatly appreciated:

DOWMAT Governor Advertisement