"Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their
capacity when the body is healthy and strong"
John F Kennedy
We at Crowle First School believe that physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others.
Through sport and other physical activities our children will learn about their responsibilities both as individuals and members of groups and teams. They learn to cooperate and to compete fairly, understanding their own and other’s roles.
Our shared purpose of PE at Crowle First School is that:
- We want our children to be confident and competent participants.
- Opportunity to practice and refine their skills.
- Physical activity that offers children a broad range of activities, including sport and dance.
However, we also want to develop children's knowledge throughout the subject. We do this by focusing on:
- Declarative knowledge – what to do
- Procedural knowledge – how to do it
As with every subject, we want children to make progress throughout the subject area, and we shall see this in the following ways:
- Motor competence (gross to fine motor control)
- Rules, strategies and tactics
- Healthy participation (how to prepare, how to recover, motivate yourself prior to exercise etc)
Children will be given opportunities to rehearse and refine their skills in PE. This will enable children to have:
- Consistent (not constant) success.
- Scaffolding reduced over time, as fluency increases.
- Need to demand some cognitive thinking – should be pitched correctly. Not too easy but not too hard.
In addition to the school curriculum our students compete in a range of cluster competitions, have a plethora of sporting after school clubs to participate in and involvement in sports festivals taking place at regular intervals during the appropriate season. Examples of these are:
- Yoga After School Club
- Zumba After School Club
- Working with Worcester Warriors on mental health and well being
- Worcester Cricket Club coming in to school to offer coaching and After School Clubs
- Relax Kids - focusing on mental health and well being
- Health and Wellbeing Day (annually)
- Multiskills After School club
- Circus Skills After School Club
- Tag Rugby tournament
- Bellboating Competition
- Cross country opportunities
- Sports Day (annually)
- Dance Festival
- Swimming lessons
The following documents support how we teach PE at Crowle First School: