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Vision and Values

Our aim at Crowle Church of England First School is to provide an education of the highest quality underpinned by Christian ethos and values, based on the life and teaching of Jesus, to children of all backgrounds and abilities. We offer an education which aims to meet the needs of pupils both academically and in terms of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. As a church school we welcome children of all faiths and none but we ask that parents and children support our Christian values and ethos.

We work hard to ensure our children are: "Caring. Confident and Committed to their learning" and we have a clear theological underpinning that supports our vision, taken from the Bible. This is what makes our school a unique place of learning, for every child in our care.  As a school community we have chosen the following parables as a basis to inspire how we live and work together:

Caring - The Good Samaritan (supporting people no matter who they are)

Confident - David and Goliath (if God is in your heart, you can have the confidence to do anything)

Committed to Learning - House on the Rock (building on firm foundations year on year)

We recognise that the Bible also offers us a set of values which are the Christian values that are part of all we do, and are part of a worldwide acknowledgement by all Christians as a good way to live.  The Christian Values we use to ensure our children develop in to excellent citizens and role models for the future. We complete these in a two year rolling program.  We feel that these Christian Values work hand in hand to support our individual school motto.  The Christian Values we use are:

Caring is linked to the following values - Friendship, Forgiveness, Generosity, Compassion and Respect

Confidence is linked to Trust, Justice and Courage.

Committed to learning is related to Thankfulness, Perseverance, Service and Truthfulness.


The Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (DoWMAT) will, through its mission statement ‘to love, to learn, to serve’, enable all its academies to flourish so that all stakeholders can ‘live life in all its fullness’. (John 10:10)


To Love:
 For pupils to grow and learn in schools where, as children of God, their individual qualities are nurtured, to give them fulfilment, self-worth, the skills to contribute to society and confidence in the future
 For staff, accorded dignity and respect, to be enabled to become the very best practitioners that they can be, inspiring, sharing a joy for learning and aspiration
 For academies to be hospitable to diversity, to become the centre of their communities as places of nurture and beacons of educational excellence
 For all learning to be centred in relationships based upon compassion, generosity, truth–telling, forgiveness and reconciliation
To Learn:
 For academies to be resourced and supported so that all pupils within the DoWMAT are enabled to flourish, reaching their potential whatever their starting points
 To ensure staff and governors access high quality professional development so that standards of teaching and learning are excellent
 For academic rigour to be set in the context of rich curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for learning
 For academies to be places where explicit Christian values, collective worship, religious education and opportunities for reflection nurture the spiritual and moral growth of pupils
and staff
To Serve:
To fulfil the wider vision of the Church of England, serving our communities through the work of local academies
To ensure academies are places of safety for pupils and staff where needs are met with dignity and respect
To offer help and advice to those who lead our academies at all levels so that they are well equipped to face the challenges ahead
To ensure that members, directors and trust staff understand the pressures and challenges of
education in the 21st century ensuring that those leading and teaching in our academies are resourced and supported



Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good

The vision is deeply Christian, with the promise by Jesus of ‘life in all its fullness’ at its heart. Our vision embraces the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development of children and young people. We offer a vision of human flourishing for all, one that embraces excellence and academic rigour, but sets them in a wider framework. This is worked out theologically and educationally through four basic elements which permeate our vision for education:

Educating for Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills

Good schools foster confidence, delight and discipline in seeking wisdom, knowledge, truth, understanding, know-how, and the skills needed to shape life well. They nurture academic habits and skills, emotional intelligence and creativity across the whole range of school subjects, including areas such as music, drama and the arts, information and other technologies, sustainable development, sport, and what one needs to understand and practise in order to be a good person, citizen, parent, employee, team or group member, or leader.

Educating for Hope and Aspiration

In the drama of ongoing life, how we learn to approach the future is crucial. Good schools open up horizons of hope and aspiration, and guide pupils into ways of fulfilling them. They also cope wisely with things and people going wrong. Bad experiences and behaviour, wrongdoing and evil need not have the last word. There are resources for healing, repair and renewal; repentance, forgiveness, truth and reconciliation are possible; and meaning, trust, generosity, compassion and hope are more fundamental than meaninglessness, suspicion, selfishness, hardheartedness and despair.

Educating for Community and Living Well Together

We are only persons with each other: our humanity is ‘co-humanity’, inextricably involved with others, utterly relational, both in our humanity and our shared life on a finite planet. If those others are of ultimate worth then we are each called to responsibility towards them and to contribute responsibly to our communities. The good life is ‘with and for others in just institutions’. So education needs to have a core focus on relationships and commitments, participation in communities and institutions, and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.

Educating for Dignity and Respect Human dignity

The ultimate worth of each person, is central to good education. The basic principle of respect for the value of each person involves continual discernment, deliberation and action, and schools are one of the main places where this happens, and where the understanding and practices it requires are learned. This includes vigilant safeguarding. It is especially important that the equal worth of those with and without special educational needs and disabilities is recognised in practice.