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Curriculum Maps

We have worked hard to ensure that our curriculum is exciting, challenging and informative for all of our pupils.  Therefore, the objectives behind our curriculum are as follows:


  • Allow children to make connections across their learning and the curriculum.
  • Systematic approach to teaching vocabulary to all children.
  • Planning succinctly for the knowledge, skills and understanding we want the children to learn in each specific topic.
  • Offer children the ability to talk about their learning, through questions asked that allows them to demonstrate their understanding.


  • Fewer topics so children can now learn more in depth in each individual topic.
  • Plan for the knowledge, skills and understanding that the children will gain from each topic.
  • Plan vocabulary that the children will be taught, based on three tiers, so that all children’s vocabulary is being extended.
  • Teachers support as many connections to be made across the curriculum, so teaching is not seen as stand alone.


  • Greater connections being made for children to see how the curriculum is interwoven.
  • Greater vocabulary being planned for.
  • Children able to talk about their learning, in a way that demonstrates their understanding.


Should you require any further information about the curriculum at Crowle First School, then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01905 381 206 or and would be happy to help in any way we can.


We have then created a two year rolling program of topics, as detailed on the links below: