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Crowle Uniform List

It greatly helps the identity of the school and your child's sense of belonging and pride if everyone wears school uniform. The school colours are grey, with red sweatshirt or cardigan (which can be embroidered with the school logo). All items with an embroidered school logo are available from

Children are not allowed to wear clothing with a logo other than the school logo. Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly marked with your child's name.



Reception to Year 4:

  • White Polo shirt, available with embroidered school logo (optional) or plain white blouse or shirt 
  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan embroidered with school logo (optional) or plain red cardigan/jumper
  • Red, grey or white socks/tights 
  • Grey trousers, skirt or grey shorts
  • Red checked dress (Summer term only)
  • Red sun hat with logo (optional) 
  • Black shoes (no boots)
  • Backpack with school logo - must be purchased from the school provider


Year 5 and Year 6:

  • White shirt 
  • Red v neck sweatshirt embroidered with the school logo (optional) or plain red v neck cardigan/jumper
  • School tie 
  • Grey blazer embroidered with the school logo (optional) or plain grey blazer (optional)
  • Red, grey or white socks/tights
  • Grey trousers, skirt or grey shorts
  • Red checked dress (Summer term only)
  • Red sun hat with logo (optional)
  • Black shoes (no boots)
  • Backpack with school logo - must be purchased from the school provider


Only the school backpack and PE t-shirt/hoodie and PE bag are the requirement for school uniform that must be bought from the online school provider.  All other items can be bought from  any retailer. 

As a school, we do also offer a second-hand uniform service.  This can be found by Mrs Cooper's office.  Please help yourself to any necessary items - placing a donation in the red box. 



  • Black shorts or cycle shorts
  • Red PE shirt with school logo (required)
  • Pair of black Pumps or trainers
  • Navy/Black track suit or jogging bottoms/leggings may be worn for P.E. and swimming during the winter months.
  • Red PE bag with school logo (required)

PE bags, t-shirts and hoodies must be purchased by the school provider, but all other items can be purchased from any retailer.  We do also have some second-hand PE uniform available.  Please ask at the office if this is something you require.


Forest School

School Uniform with blue or black jeans/old trousers, waterproof trousers and coat, wellingtons.  Please ensure these are all clearly named.



During the year children go swimming to Pershore Leisure Centre. Children need a swimsuit and towel in a plastic type bag. On a swimming day navy jogging bottoms may be worn with school sweatshirt or cardigan. If you wish your child to wear goggles a safe choice of goggles must be used, please check for the British Standard for manufacturers before purchasing.



Because of the safety hazards children are not allowed to wear any items of jewellery to school other than watches (which should be clearly labelled). Watches should be of an appropriate size and not cause a health and safety risk. Watches that can take photographs/videos are not permitted to be worn by children in school due to safeguarding reasons.  For children with pierced ears only studs may be worn.  For safety reasons the children should not wear sunglasses.



Long hair (i.e. hair long enough to be tied back) should always be tied back while your child is at school. This is for safety reasons as well as for hygiene.   When purchasing hair accessories please consider safety.




Lost Property

Throughout the year items in the lost property are displayed, and any items unclaimed are taken to a charity shop.